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Fertspread are industry leaders in spreader technology. We currently operate seven technologically advanced spreaders all with GPS guidance and computerised spreading systems to ensure spreading accuracy. The vehicles are 4WD Mercedes Benz and Hino Rangers with custom built bins and a computer controlled spinner system. All of Fertspreads Operators and Spreaders are Fertcare Accredited.  View  an example of the AFSA accreditation certificates that we hold.


Fertspread is also able to offer spreading services for large scale soil, mulch, manure and compost applications.  With our new 270hp John Deere and 18m3 Jeantill Mulch Spreader we can now offer a very efficient and cost effective way to spread these types of products.  This set up has very low compaction with its wide tyres, and spreads out to 10-20m depending on what products are used.  Both low and high rates are achievable.  



The Accu-Spread protocol developed within the AFSA Codes of Practice and the FertCare program allows for the accreditation of machines and operators.Spreaders are tested for accuracy which is vital for the efficient spreading of fertiliser and soil ameliorants. The test involves running the spreader over a set of test trays from which the product is collected and weighed. The results are then put through a computer program to determine the variation in spread at different spread widths.


An optimum spread width (bout width) can then be determined in which the machine can operate with less than 15% variation. This means that spreader operators know the optimum bout width they should be using for different products to give maximum accuracy and efficiency to the customer. Unless a machine is tested regularly there is no way of knowing if its spreading accurately. Don't compromise your fertiliser program by using untested machinery, you might be able to save a few dollars but it's a false economy. Talk to Fertspread about the importance of spreading accuracy.

Our Spreaders have:


- GPS Guidance Reporting Systems

- Computerised Spreading Management

- Tested Spread Patterns For Accuracy

- Load Cells for Calibration

- Low Compaction Tyres

- Spinner Speed Control from Cab

- Cleated Belts for more Fert Control

- Fert Care Accreditation and Work by a Code Of Practice







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